Verlasso is taking the lead in establishing a new model for fish farming, one that’s always in balance with nature. It’s an evolutionary way of thinking about—and raising salmon.
Sequatchie Cove Farm is a diversified farm of 300 acres nestled in the shadows of the Cumberland Plateau, located 35 minutes northwest of downtown Chattanooga. The farm is bordered by the Little Sequatchie River and is surrounded by thousands of acres of pristine Tennessee wilderness.
Signal Mountain Farm grows over 60 varieties of fruits and vegetables—from specialty lettuces, sweet peppers, and blueberries to their prized heirloom tomatoes.
Owl Hollow Farm is a privately owned and operated equine breeding and training facility located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southwestern Virginia. Established in 1978 with a focus towards training and showing Morgan horses, Owl Hollow Farm ranked as one of the top Morgan facilities in the country.
Ocean Wise is a Vancouver Aquarium conservation program created to educate and empower consumers about the issues surrounding sustainable seafood.
Waterkeeper Alliance is the world’s fastest growing environmental movement, with more than 240 local Waterkeepers patrolling rivers, lakes and coastal waterways on 6 continents.
The National Aquarium's Fresh Thoughts sustainable seafood dining series not only offers a delicious dinner and a fun evening out; it's also a way to increase your understanding of sustainable seafood practices and help you make informed choices.
Through SAFE, conservation action plans are being developed for individual species and groups of animals, like sharks, that are facing the same challenges. The Aquarium is part of this broad coalition, helping solve some of these issues while continuing to protect and restore the rich biodiversity in our backyard.
Established in 2013, Harvested Here Food Hub’s mission is to strengthen and secure the future of a healthy regional food supply by providing local farmers with services that connect their food to the Chattanooga community. It provides storage, marketing and distribution services to farmers within a 120 mile radius of the Chattanooga area, connecting them to regional restaurants, retailers, and institutional kitchens.
Answering this question has never been more difficult or more important than it is today. Food production has changed in the last 50 years and with these changes have come a host of problems including species extinction, destruction of natural environments, and loss of quality. Sustainable Supper is on a mission to help you find the best food possible. By partnering with farmers, fisheries, and food suppliers we are your guide to finding suitable meals. Together we can restore environments, species, and food quality.